The Mystic Leather Bouquet Refill 200 ml awakens your senses and wins you over with its vibrantly sensual perfume. Cardamom and blackberries merge in a heady, spicy and somehow fresh whirlwind. Incense, rose and cumin appear now, adding some intensity and genuinely assertive depth to the fragrance. To finish, patchouli from Indonesia and notes of leather sublimate the overall effect with warmth and refinement. The lingering perfume of this Mystic Leather Bouquet Refill 200 ml delicately envelops your interior, thereby creating a particularly welcoming atmosphere. It is specially designed to be used with a scented bouquet, offering you consistent and constant fragrance quality. Simply pour the solution in the container provided and insert the sticks into the intended space. Once they are imbibed, you can enjoy a sustainably perfumed space. The sticks can be refilled infinitely, and it is easy to select and renew your favourite fragrances!
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£14.00 Regular Price
£12.60Sale Price
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